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Understanding Layers in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations


In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, the layer system is used to manage application components in a predefined order. USR layer is the highest layer and SYS is the lowest layer. The purpose of layers is to give developers the option to modify Microsoft's code but only in one of the layers that the developer has access to.

Understanding Layers in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

The following table shows all layers and associated usage:

USR - The user layer is for user modifications, such as reports. 

CUS - The customer layer is for modifications that are specific to a company. 

VAR - Value Added Resellers (VAR) can make modifications or new developments to the VAR layer as specified by the customers or as a strategy for creating an industry-specific solution. 

ISV - When an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) creates its own solution, its modifications are saved in the ISV layer. 

SLN - The solution layer is used by distributors to implement vertical partner solutions. 

FPK - The FPK layer is an application object patch layer reserved by Microsoft for future patching or other updates.

GLS - When the application is modified to match country or region-specific legal demands, these modifications are saved in the GLS layer.

SYS - The standard application is implemented at the lowest level, the SYS layer. The application objects in the standard application can never be deleted.

The bottom layer would be the SYS layer, which is where the standard application code resides and is accessible only to Microsoft. Other layers like ISV (Independent Software Vendor) and VAR (Value Added Reseller) can be accessed by providing keys provided by Microsoft for each layer except USR (User) which does not need a key.

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